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Afterall is dedicated to the study of contemporary art and rely on the kind support of both individuals and institutions to commission and disseminate our work.Go on a journey that will shape your career or take you along a different path entirely. Discover our postgraduate courses, search funding opportunities and find out how we can support you.

Afterall undertakes contemporary art research within the academic framework of Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London, and in partnership with other important international educational and cultural institutions. We share intellectual and financial resources through these partnerships and operate on a very tight budget.
We recognise the importance of research and informed discussion to critical writing and its dissemination and aim to make this research widely available to a variety of audiences through our books, journal, website, talks and symposia.
We engage and support researchers, writers and practitioners in this country and internationally, offering fair pay for each commission. We are committed to the idea that art, and writing on art, should be independent of the commercial art market and relevant to broad educational, cultural, social and political ideas.
Individual donations are crucial to our work, enabling us to offer funded research internships, annual graduate research assistant posts, writing awards and student bursaries. Every contribution, of any amount, is gratefully acknowledged in our journal and on this page. For more information please email
Afterall supporters include: The George and MaryLou Boone Fund for Artistic Advancement, The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation, Barbara Fosco, the Fosco Family Foundation, Inge & Philip van den Hurk, Drs. Lynn Hauser & Neil Ross, Janet Sternburg, Dr Steven D. Lavine, The Glasshouse Trust and Helen Zell. We could not have developed Afterall Books without additional support from Arts Council England’s Grants for the Arts, Arts and Humanities Research Board, British Academy, relations, Culture 2000 programme of the European Union, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia, American Center Foundation, HEAD Geneva and The Henry Moore Foundation.
We would especially like to thank the following for contributing to the success of the Afterall benefit auctions in 2000, 2004, 2007, 2011 and 2016:
The M.T. Abraham Foundation, Tomma Abts, Laylah Ali, Paweł Althamer, Hurvin Anderson, Ibon Aranberri, Edgar Arceneaux, Lara Asole, Jean-Michel Attal & Charlotte Gounant-Attal, Aud and Paolo, Monika Baer, Mirosław Bałka, Fiona Banner, Marie-Claude Beaud, Julie Becker, James Benning, Walead Beshty, Pierre Bismuth, Jennifer Bornstein, Alex Branczik, Pablo Bronstein, Gavin Brown, Glenn Brown, Pavel Büchler, Craig Burnett, Renate Buschmann, Gerard Byrne, Alistair Carr, Nigel Carrington, John Carson, Marc Camille Chaimowicz, Marvin Gaye Chetwynd, Adam Chodzko, Michael Clark, Sadie Coles, Phil Collins, Aileen Corkery, Tommaso Corvi-Mora, Martin Creed, Dexter Dalwood, Thomas Dane, Enrico David, Sian Davies, Tacita Dean, Jeremy Deller, Thomas Demand, Dexter Sinister, Thea Djordjadze, Peter Doig, Trisha Donnelly, Sam Durant, Benoit Duverger, Maria Eichhorn, Tim Eitel, Olafur Eliasson, Nicoletta Fiorucci, Ceal Floyer, Barbara Fosco, the Fosco Family Foundation, Bill Furlong, Charles Gaines, Ryan Gander, Andreas Gegner, Isa Genzken, Candida Gertler, Liam Gillick, Douglas Gordon, Antony Gormley, Rodney Graham, Cornelia Grassi, Graham Gussin, Rachel Harrison, Mona Hatoum, Drs. Lynn Hauser & Neil Ross, Hauser & Wirth, Richard Hawkins, Mary Heilmann, Flora Hesketh, Matthew Higgs, Roger Hiorns, Thomas Hirschhorn, Maja Hoffmann, Inge and Philip van den Hurk, Pierre Huyghe, IRWIN, Sanja Iveković, Alfredo Jaar, Joan Jonas, Lisa Junghanss, Ilya Kabakov, Stefan Kalmár, Alan Kane, Emma Kay, Mike Kelley, Janice Kerbel, Jutta Koether, Joseph Kosuth, the Kroll Family Trust, Surasi Kusolwong, Jim Lambie, David Lamelas, Louise Lawler, Serge Le Borgne, Malcom Le Grice, Sara Le Turq, Mark Leckey, Judy Linn, Sharon Lockhart, Richard Long, Anne Lydiat, Christina Mackie, Goshka Macuga, David Maljkovic, Tim Marlow, Kerry James Marshall, Daria Martin, Paul McCarthy, Julie Mehretu, Alan Michael, Victoria Miro, Shabin Mohamed, Jonathan Monk, Sarah Morris, Amaury & Sandra Mulliez, Laura Mulvey, Rosalind Nashashibi, Olaf Nicolai, Cristina Noghes-Menio, Nils Norman, Elisa Nuyten, Bruno Pacheco, Patrick Painter, Lisa Panting, Seb Patane, Toby Paterson, Dan Perjovschi, Manfred Pernice, Pilar Corrias, Marjetica Potrč, Richard Prince, Florian Pumhösl, Walid Raad, Alessandro Raho, Cristiano Raimondi, Yvonne Rainer, Michael Rakowitz, Tobias Rehberger, Bob Rennie & Carey Fouks, Rennie Collection, Olivier Richon, Daniel Richter, David Roberts, Ellen Roland, Martha Rosler, Allen Ruppersberg, Ed Ruscha, Alex Sainsbury and Elinor Jansz, Anri Sala, Wilhelm Sasnal, Thomas Scheibitz, David Schnell, Maaike Schoorel, Indre Serpytyte, Joe Shlesinger & Samara Walbohm, Yinka Shonibare MBE, Andreas Slominski, Pete Smithson, Sean Snyder, Nedko Solakov, Malin Stahl, Polly Staple, Frances Stark, Bernhard Starkmann, Simon Starling, Jemima Stehli, Joanna Stella-Sawicka, Lily van der Stokker, Do Ho Suh, SUPERFLEX, Anne Tallentire, Silke Taprogge, Jeremy Till, Wolfgang Tillmans, Hayley Tompkins, Sue Tompkins, Rosemarie Trockel, Luc Tuymans, Chris Wainwright, Jeff Wall, Rebecca Warren, Lawrence Weiner, Matthias Weischer, NeilWenman, Richard Wentworth, TJ Wilcox, Christopher Williams, Jane and Louise Wilson, Chad Wollen, Catherine Wood, Richard Woods, Richard Wright, Cerith Wyn Evans, Helen Zell and Andrea Zittel.