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Publications on (not only) Art: Cultural, Social and Political uses

15 jun 2011

UNIA arteypensamiento and I+CAS will host Publications on (not only) Art: Cultural, Social and Political uses, a symposium on publication, in collaboration with Pablo Lafuente [Afterall], Pauline van Mourik Broekman [Mute] and Joaquín Vázquez [BNV Producciones].

Publications on (not only) Art: Cultural, Social and Political uses is a four day symposium which aims to explore current editorial activity in the field of art and the arts. The present diversification and fragmentation of the public for art coincides with a certain level of maturity in the use of new technologies in distributing publications and a proliferation of research in artistic contexts, making it necessary to take a fresh look at how critical discourses on art, culture and politics are produced and disseminated.

The first part of the programme will cover print publications, looking at the history of six outstanding international art magazines and at four publishing projects that have recently been launched by museums and arts centres run by the Spanish government.

The second part will concentrate on on-line publishing proposals, using as case studies both projects that are relevant for their broad media influence and others that have put new strategies into action to harness the power of the Web.