Nought to Sixty Salon Discussion: Independent Criticism and Critical Discourse
26 may 2008
ICA Nash Room, London.
As part of Nought to Sixty, a programme of exhibitions and events at the ICA, London, Afterallwill lead a discussion on the status of the independent voice within critical art discourse. The event will elaborate on current models for publishing on art, and the role of criticism in relation to these structures.
Participants in this discussion include Pablo Lafuente and Melissa Gronlund of Afteralll, Matthew Arnatt of Rachmaninoff’s, Olivia Plender, artist and former editor of Untitled, and Daniel Jewesbury, artist and co-editor of Variant.
Entry to this event is free, but booking is required. Please contact the ICA box office on 020 79303647.
ICA Nash Room
The Mall