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Andrew Wilson on Swingeing London 67 (f)

12 jul 2012
Public talk
Pallant House Galler, Chichester.

On Thursday 12th July 2012, Andrew Wilson will be at Pallant House Gallery to discuss Richard Hamilton: Swingeing London 67 (f), the subject of the most recent addition to our One Work series.

Swingeing London 67 (f) depicts Mick Jagger and Hamilton’s art dealer Robert Fraser handcuffed together in the back of a police van. The title conflates the ‘swinging’ of 1960s-era London with the harsh ‘swingeing’ punishment meted out to its new cultural heroes by the law following their June 1967 arrest for possession of drugs. Andrew Wilson views Swingeing London 67 (f) as a history painting, to be understood in the context of the struggle against the British state’s attempt – aided and abetted by the popular press – to repress any expression of personal liberation, and argues that for Hamilton Pop art was the expression of an open-ended, critical and artistic process that reflected a direct engagement with ethical issues.

Andrew Wilson is a curator, art historian, and art critic. He has been Curator of Modern and Contemporary British Art at Tate Britain since 2006. The painting is part of the Pallant House Gallery’s collection and copies of Richard Hamilton: Swingeing London 67 (f) by Andrew Wilson will be available from the Pallant House Gallery bookshop on the day, alternatively you can order the book from The MIT Press website.

Andrew Wilson on Swingeing London
Thursday 12th July, 18.00

Pallant House Gallery
9 North Pallant
West Sussex
PO19 1TJ

Tickets: £8.50 (Students £7.50). For more information or to book online visit the
Pallant House Gallery website.