Devotion and Betrayal: Air Time/Hang Time in The Passion of Wooster

An aviation industry maxim characterises an airplane as a cluster of ‘four-million parts flying in close formation’. The legendary Wooster Group operates on a similar model…
An aviation industry maxim characterises an airplane as a cluster of ‘four-million parts flying in close formation’. The legendary Wooster Group operates on a similar model. Their downtown New York productions have, over the last 25 years, defined the ‘explosively postmodern’ and hi-low ‘deconstruction’ of experimental performance.
A self-described ensemble of individual artists working under the direction of Elizabeth LeCompte, the group swaps around the multiple tasks of production – tech, dramaturgy, performance – as it displaces and recombines such ‘dead texts’ as Arthur Miller’s The Crucible, Chekhov’s Three Sisters, Racine’s Phaèdre and Stein’s Dr. Faustus Lights the Lights.