How can thoughts that are not yet structured to be communicated through a rational exercise such as writing be inscribed? Writing can be substituted with any other type of exercise to communicate ideas, and in all these possible questions lies latent the same starting point: how to materialise desire?
The following selection is a gathering of ideas manifested in different formats – sound, writings, podcasts, moving images, installations – that have been key to the development of the research ‘la historia de las montañas’ (2019-ongoing) whose axes are structured around the process of emancipation and the creation of imaginaries. The latter is understood as ‘structures of symbolic and material order that allow the organisation and management of the life of living beings’. At present, the project has been delving into the perceptual system of the human species and the ways in which it could expand through aesthetic thought. It has also focused on the ocean as a key space for contemporary emancipatory processes of de-domesticating subjectivities and reconciling with constant movement, materialising imaginations that assume it as a transversal aspect. This has been developed through the projects ‘de montañas submarinas el fuego hace islas’ (with the support of Pivô, KADIST, and Delfina Foundation, and ‘otras montañas, las que andan sueltas bajo el agua’ (supported by TBA21-Academy).
Yina Jiménez Suriel (b. 1994, La Vega, Dominican Republic. Lives and works in Santiago) is a curator and researcher and the TBA21–Academy The Current IV Curatorial Fellow, a three-years research project entitled ‘otras montañas, las que andan sueltas bajo el agua’. She is the Adjunct Curator of the 14th Mercosul Biennial (2024) and the Associate Editor of the magazine Contemporary And (C&) for Latin America and the Caribbean. Her curatorial projects include: ‘Vehículos. Una revisión’ (2018) at Casa Quien (Dominican Republic); ‘one month after being known in that island’ (2020) at the Kulturstiftung Basel H. Geiger (Switzerland) curated with the artist Pablo Guardiola and co-produced by Caribbean Art Initiative; and research project ‘de montañas submarinas el fuego hace islas’ (2022) at Pivô (Brazil) co-produced with KADIST with a screening programme in Cinemateca Nacional in Santo Domingo. The final chapter of ‘de montañas submarinas el fuego hace islas’ will take place between three venues intentionally overlapping: KADIST San Francisco (October 2023 until February 2024), Delfina Foundation (January until March 2024), and through a screening programme at the Museum of Contemporary Art and Design Manila (February 2024). She was in residence at the Delfina Foundation, London (Summer 2022), part of the curatorial team for Opening at ArcoMadrid (2023-2024), and has contributed to various international art publications and artist catalogues.

- Esferas de la insurrección (book), Suely Rolnik, 2019
- Será la rosa at Animal fiero y tierno (poem), Ángela María Dávila, 1977
- Somos Islas: ensayos de camino (book), Marta Aponte Alsina, 2015
- de fututos, cayucos y chichiguas: rutas de huida y artefactos para viajar (article), Yina Jiménez Suriel, 2020, available in both English and Spanish
- Historia oral, investigación-acción y sociología de la imagen (lecture), Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui, 2015
- Carta desde… la tierra de altas montañas (article), Yina Jiménez Suriel, 2021, available in English, Spanish, and Portuguese
- Des-pensando el área cultural Caribe en la arqueología antillana (lecture), Dr. Reniel Rodríguez Ramos, 2019
- India del Agua (song), Enerolisa Núñez y El grupo de Salve de Mata Los Indios, 2020
- Pa’ Los Olivos (song), Enerolisa Núñez y El grupo de Salve de Mata Los Indios, 2000
- Antípodas (essay, pp. 9-15 in de montañas submarinas el fuego hace islas reader vol. 1), Marta Aponte Alsina, 2019, available in English and Portuguese
- Maguá (song), Vicente García, 2020
- Five new species of Coccothrinax (Cryosophileae, Coryphoideae, Arecaceae) from Hispaniola (article), Andrew Henderson, Eladio Fernández, Oscar Montero, Teodoro Clase, Xavier Gratacos, Christine D. Bacon, 2023
- Nosotros sin México: naciones indígenas y autonomía (essay, pp. 34-47 in de montañas submarinas el fuego hace islas reader vol. 1.), Yásnaya Elena Aguilar, 2019, also available in English and Portuguese
- Tiempo de Zafra: materializar imaginaciones a partir de realidades contemporáneas (article), Yina Jiménez Suriel, 2022, available in English, Spanish, and Portuguese
- En el lago de plata flota un coral florido (article, pp. 92-95 in de montañas submarinas el fuego hace islas reader vol. 1), Felix Servio Ducoudray, 1983, available in English and Portuguese
- Our Sea of Islands (essay), Epeli Hau’ofa, 1993
- To decolonize the unconscious (essay, pp. 84-91 in de montañas submarinas el fuego hace islas reader vol. 1), Suely Rolnik, 2022, available in English and Portuguese
- de montañas submarinas el fuego hace islas (curatorial essays, pp. 103-105 and 112-117 in de montañas submarinas el fuego hace islas reader vol. 1), Yina Jiménez Suriel, 2022, available in English and Portuguese
- Negritude Women (book), Tracy Denean Sharpley-Whiting, 2002
- Sun Poem (poetry book), Kamau Brathwaite, 1982
- Synaptic plasticity and cognitive function are disrupted in the absence of Lrp4 (article), Andrea M. Gomez, Robert C. Froemke, Steven J. Burden, 2014
- Towards a Living Place (lecture), Olivier Marboeuf, 2022
- When body becomes feeling with Marily Gallardo (podcast episode), 2022
- The Caribbean Ocean Plateau – an overview, and a different understanding (essay), Keith H. James, 2018
- Maroon choreography (book), fahima ife, 2021
- Redemption song (TV series), narrated by Stuart Hall, 2014
- High-Elevation Savanna Landscapes in the Cordillera Central, Dominican Republic, Hispaniola (article), G. Michael Clark, Sally P. Horn, Kenneth H. Orvis, 2022
- Waves of Knowing: A Seascape Epistemology (book), Karin Amimoto Ingersoll, 2016
- Geomorphology of the Puerto Rico Trench and Cayman Trough in the Context of the Geological Evolution of the Caribbean Sea (article), Polina Lemenkova, 2021
- Experiments in imagining otherwise (book), Lola Olufemi, 2021
- Staying with the Trouble (book), Donna J. Haraway, 2016
- Poétique de la relation (Poétique III) (book), Édouard Glissant, 1990, also available in English and Spanish
- Le Grand camouflage (article), Suzanne Cesaire, 1945, also available in English
- Watabwi Orchestral group of conch-blowers (music), Laboratoire d’Archivage de l’Oralité (L.A.O), Martinique, F.W.I.
- Kebranto (artwork), Jonas Van & Juno B. Link, 2021, with subtitles in English and Portuguese
- a arte da fuga: dos escravos fugitivos aos refugiados (essay), Dénetèm Touam Bona, 2016
- A vida não é útil (book), Ailton Krenak, 2020
- Notes on dance (article, pages 12-13 in Pivô Magazine #2), Maria Noujaim, 2022, available in English and Portuguese
- Ideias para adiar o fim do mundo (book), Ailton Krenak, 2019
- Captura e fuga: notas para imaginar espaços-refúgio (essay, pp. 63-69 in de montañas submarinas el fuego hace islas reader vol. 1), Marilia Loureiro, available in English and Portuguese
Beyond spoken languages
- Circa no future (artwork), Nadia Huggins, 2016-2019
- Photo of Ayiti Island 1MM human years ago
- Ugma-ugma (musical scores), José Maceda, 1963
- Guest mix (music session), Skyla, 2023
- Luz Blanca: Reminiscencias de un lugar al que nunca fui (film), Dalissa Montes De Oca, 2021
- Beroana (Shell money) I (artwork), Taloi Havini, 2015
- loops and ideas from the caribbean (digital album), Diego Raposo, 2020
- Map of the Caribbean Plate and Vicinity